
Monday, January 28, 2013

Inspired Words for Today

Even though I am loving being in nursing school and thoroughly enjoying all the gifts and experiences that making this career-shift have brought me, I seem to struggle with getting through January.  This same phenomenon happened last year, too.

I don't know if it is the post-Christmas build-up let-down (if that makes any sense!) or simply the dark, freezing days.  It has been one of those weeks that happen in Canada -- where the temperatures plunge so cold, that it is truly impossible for average people like me to enjoy the outdoors. 

It is a week of being too cold to take the family skiing (like we do weekly), tobogganing, the snow is too crumbly to build anything with it, the kids are kept indoors every school recess because of the frostbite they'd get in a couple minutes.  I dread the thought of even having to go outside, as I know my nose and lungs will feel frozen in seconds.  Maybe this is the so-called "cabin fever" phenomenon, where people have simply been cooped up inside for too long...

Before anyone reads too much into this complaint, I must say this is not a clinical issue -- I just find it a wee bit harder to motivate myself to keep as active, energetic and eating well as I do the rest of the year.  It is frustrating to me to not have my usual energy and motivation levels, even if these moments are relatively brief.

However, the extreme deep-freeze of last week is over, and the days are getting noticeably less dark.  This is all good!  Apparently I don't do well in extremely cold, dark climates.  Give me palm trees and a beach any day....

All of that intro to say, that when I am feeling in a bit of a rut, I turn to several blogs I've discovered, and read the archived posts.  One of my favourite inspirational blogs is called "Smile With Your Heart", written by a Canadian nurse and fitness/adventure lover, Jenn Thiel.  (

Today, as I was just wrapping up my "fun" computer time, before I turn it to school-related work, I read the following sentences.

"Combine your passions. Create your dream life. Who’s stopping you? If anyone, it’s only yourself. Toss that little voice out the window and keep on keepin’ on. Keep doing what you love. You’ll discover that it really is so much more possible than you thought."  (

Those are the words I'm taking to heart today.  I'm off now to go for a run, as I contemplate with gratitude all the possibilities, people, opportunities, experiences and gifts I've been given in my life, and open my heart, mind and soul with further gratitude to any and all future amazing experiences.

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