
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Day One, Year Three

OK, now we are officially more than half way done our nursing program!  Today was the official half-way mark, and its over, so we're technically more than half-way done. (I'll take what I can get!)

We had our "intro to 3rd year" orientation, where we met up with classmates after the l-o-n-g summer break, and met our profs, clinical and lab instructors for the coming year. 

Even though I had the usual "butterflies" while getting ready this morning, it was more a reunion of sorts.  The first familiar person I happened to see was my best nursing school pal, Z, and so that was the perfect way to start the year.  So many hugs were exchanged with so many people -- it simply felt great to be back. 

We had the usual presentations about being organized, staying on top of your readings, the plagiarism policy, etc. etc.  But some questions about schedules and classes and the like got sorted out.  And frankly, it simply felt so good to be there, and just feel the positive (and nervous!) energy of the room. 

It seems the clinical rotations are going to be fantastic.  I cannot wait to learn from them, and to see how we grow and develop into quasi-nurses, and not just students who are studying nursing. 

I am so looking forward to jumping into this semester with both feet.  I must go look at my school's website, as we were told there are already items posted there that we need to prep for tomorrow morning's lab orientation.  And my daughter starts her piano lessons tonight.  Another one starts dance classes.  Factor in the Scouts for my son, and Guides and Brownies.  And downhill skiing for the family.  Ah, I'm sure homework will factor in there somewhere too....

Yes, school/activities/homework/LIFE as we know it, has truly re-started again after the summer break.

Bring it on.  This year is going to be g-r-e-a-t!!!!!!!  This is going to be fun.  Busy, but fun.

Life is good.

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