
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Big "R", Little "n"

According to my son's classification, I am now an "Rn".

When I finished my first year of nursing school, he piped up, "You're a little "r" now!". In his 9-year old classification system, completion of first year gave me the designation "r", second year was "rn", third year, "Rn" and fourth year will (finally!) be "RN".

So yeah, here I am, an "Rn". 

I have four days off, completely free to do as I please, and then I start my full-time job on Monday, as a researcher/writer for a national nursing association (really, could there be a better job for me that links my two careers?!?!?)  Back to wearing corporate clothes -- I honestly thought I was finished with them forever, having traded them in for scrubs and comfy shoes!

It is still sinking in that I truly am finished third year. The past eight months were incredibly busy and intense, unlike any other eight month period I can think of. Having newborns was probably more intense, given the total lack of sleep and trying to have my torn and stretched body heal at the same time (so those were probably much tougher times, yes.)

However, third year is now finished. I managed to maintain my A average, be an involved Mom, still do the house-hold stuff I always do to keep people fed and clothed, volunteer with Girl Guides and in my daughter's classroom, and even go on the occasional date-night with my hubby. Busy, but very good.

I'm almost feeling a bit lost today, with truly nothing on my schedule that I "must" do. I'll go for a run and then figure out what to do next (i.e. figure out which part of the house I will focus on de-cluttering first!)

What a good feeling!!!  I feel I've really accomplished lots this school year, and I'm so glad it is over. If I could, I'd take a few weeks off, and then jump into fourth year, to get the last 24 weeks of school done.  But that will just have to wait until September to get started...

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